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Category: College Life

Essay Tips to Get Into Harvard

Posted in: College Life

Essay Tips to Get Into Harvard

Everybody considers getting into Harvard to be a challenging task. In fact, it’s not that complicated. The problem roots in the teens’ inability t...
List of Career Options if You Are a Video Game Fan

Posted in: College Life

List of Career Options if You Are a Video Game Fan

Can you call yourself a video game fanatic? Are you crazy about all these video games? Can you imagine your life without playing them? If you feel ...
Students Dating Online Pros and Cons

Posted in: College Life

Students Dating Online Pros and Cons

Online relations become more popular and engaging with the course of time. Such a tendency is provoked by the lack of time because of study, work, and...
Top Five Ideas for a Graduation Party

Posted in: College Life

Top Five Ideas for a Graduation Party

One of the most long-awaited moments that could ever happen in your life is the feeling of having accomplished something that requires a lot of persev...
How to Have Unforgettable Summer

Posted in: College Life

How to Have Unforgettable Summer

Enjoying the smell of grass being mown, breathing in the ocean air, enjoying fragrant coffee while sitting on the porch…These vibes remind us that s...
Things to Do on the Examination Day

Posted in: College Life

Things to Do on the Examination Day

Many students may find it difficult to pass the exams. It can be connected to a couple of things, for instance, the lack of sufficient knowledge. Sorr...
Ways to Attend College without Tuition Fees

Posted in: College Life

Ways to Attend College without Tuition Fees

Tuition, textbooks, stationery – it all sums up. College is often extremely expensive. However, it is not necessarily to think there is no other way...
How to Make Your Memory Work Better

Posted in: College Life

How to Make Your Memory Work Better

Nowadays, people tend to suffer from deterioration of their mental capacity. There are various reasons why such phenomenon develops. Continuous stress...
The Most Awaited Blockbusters of Spring 2017

Posted in: College Life

The Most Awaited Blockbusters of Spring 2017

Are you a fan of blockbusters? Want to know which big movies are awaiting you in spring 2017? Here are several movies which are going to make a splash...
How a Graduate Can Find a Job

Posted in: College Life

How a Graduate Can Find a Job

When I was a 4th year student, I couldn’t wait to finally graduate. It was all I could think of. I imagined how I would find a job and become indepe...
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