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Handy Essay Writing Tips to Follow to Write a Good Hobby Essay Example

According to its definition, an essay is a short composition that tells readers about the author’s views and interests. At the same time, it is one of the most frequent tasks one deals with in college and it can be really hard to write it well.

Though an essay is considered to be a difficult job to do, there are several rules that are sure to help you.

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Important Essay Writing Tips to Consider

The Theory

Your essay should consist of four essential elements:

  • introduction

  • thesis statement

  • main body

  • conclusion

It should be argumentative and logical, easy to read. Each paragraph should be dedicated to one certain idea. The language shouldn’t be stodgy and pompous.

Possible Essay Topics

It’s known that there are different types of essays, and one of them is a personal essay. It can be written on various topics. However, among the basic topics for personal essays there are the following:

  • The biggest success you have ever had;

  • The best birthday party you’ve ever attended;

  • The most influential person in your life;

  • The most difficult choice you have ever been to make;

  • The brightest memory of your childhood.

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Exploring Your Passion: Writing a Hobby Essay

A hobby essay is a delightful way to express your personal interests while honing your writing skills. It appertains to the so-called personal essays, which means that the author writes about their own experience in different areas. This type of essay focuses on having a hobby, whether it’s painting, gardening, reading, or any other activity that sparks joy. One of its unique aspects is the freedom to explore a variety of hobby essay topics, from creative pastimes to adventurous pursuits. These essays allow writers to delve into the types of hobbies they enjoy, share their significance, and explain their impact on personal growth. With its flexible structure, a hobby essay encourages creativity, making it both enjoyable and insightful.

Essay Writing: Practice

Hobby essays are rather popular because what lots of people do write about is their hobby. Everybody has one, though they may not even understand it is a hobby. Do you like growing flowers or listening to rock music? Do you adore cycling or reading? Do you see writing papers as a hobby? Even your job can be your hobby if you get pleasure from what you’re doing.

Think about it and you will definitely find the pastime you can’t live without. If you have, then try to describe it. How did it begin? When? How old were you? Does anybody else, any relative or friend of yours, share your interest? Do your nearest and dearest approve your hobby or not? Can it become your full-time job one day?

After answering these questions, you can be surprised to see that you have what to write about. Then, try to put your thoughts in a logical way to captivate your readers’ attention. Create a thesis, which is a central statement in the essay. If it is the phrase like this “My hobby is …” or “My hobby can be considered the best among…” then be ready to explain to the audience why it is so. If you have several types of hobbies to write about, better choose one of them to make your paper focused. Otherwise, your paper may lack clarity and it may be hard for you to disclose your hobby essay topic fully.

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Writing Papers as a Hobby: A Creative and Rewarding Pastime

Now, let’s talk about one of the rather popular types of hobbies, i.e. writing hobby. Describing it, we’d like to help you identify your favorite pastime or kind of activity that could bring you pleasure. We’d also like to show you how some skills can be developed and, with time, turned into a great hobby.

Tips for Developing a Writing Hobby

Create a Cozy Writing Environment

Set up a comfortable writing space with a desk, chair, and proper lighting. A dedicated spot will inspire you to write regularly and stay focused.

Eliminate Distractions

Turn off notifications, clear clutter, and ensure your environment is quiet to help you concentrate while writing.

Expand Your Knowledge Through Reading

Read as much as you can to explore various writing styles and gain inspiration for your own work.

Try Different Writing Styles

Experiment with poetry, essays, or short stories to discover what excites you most.

Connect with Fellow Writers

Join a writing group to share your work, get feedback, and stay motivated.

Take the First Step: Just Write

Don’t overthink; simply start writing! Even small steps help build confidence and make writing a rewarding hobby.

No matter the types of hobbies you choose, having a hobby can help you enjoy quality time and relax. Writing is just one example of how a simple activity can enrich your life and make your leisure time meaningful.

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Hobby Essay Example

Here is a hobby essay example that will help you create your own paper.

We live in a world that hardly knows anything about rest and leisure. We are torn between work, home duties and social activities and every day looks the same as the previous one. However, there is one word that is a real music to our ears: a hobby. Everybody has one and this is what saves us from pressure of the cruel routine.

My favorite hobby is definitely reading.

Since I was a little boy (girl), I have adored turning the leaves of a book, delving into the stories it could tell me. First, I read tales, then novels. I preferred stories with an elaborate plot and true-to-life characters, especially fantasy books, full of dragons and damsels in distress. My imagination was struck with the colorful illustrations and luscious descriptions. Even in my night dreams I saw quaint towers, haughty elves and fantastic adventures.

Of course, there were other avocations, but all of them were somehow connected to my biggest passion ever. I liked studying history and that helped me see hidden guides in my favorite books as many of them had something to do with the realities of the past. Archery made me feel closer to the heroes of my childhood. Writing stories opened me the door to creating my own worlds.

The older I become, the harder it gets to read a lot as I have assignments and deadlines. However, I still try to find a couple of hours and enjoy a new book by my favorite author. It makes me relaxed and calm and then I feel I can cope with any task life gives me. So, being my hobby, reading helps me manage with my day-to-day life situations and this is what I adore it for the most.

The example given above contains all the four elements essential to every essay. It has the introduction, explaining the necessity of having hobbies; the thesis statement; the main body with pros and the conclusion that repeats the main idea.

Essay Writing

Essay writing is one of the most common types of academic assignments. However, it is a difficult and time-consuming task. Many people struggle to come up with creative, original and well-structured essays. The truth is that you need to put quite a lot of effort into it. We are here to help you and provide some professional tips on essay writing.

Amongst the most perplexing topics is “My Hobby;” therefore, we will mostly focus our attention on the hurdles you might face while writing such an essay, and most importantly, we will teach you how to remove those hurdles.

An essay is defined as a short piece of writing on a particular subject that expresses the writer’s personal view on it. Essay writing is also one of the most regular tasks a student has to complete. If you do not know the principle of composing a basic piece of writing, you might find yourself in trouble.

To help you out, we have provided several tips that will certainly put you on the right track.

The Theory

Any essay consists of four main elements, namely:

  • introduction

  • thesis/argument statement

  • main body

  • conclusion

Also, you should remember that your essay should be logical, argumentative if necessary, and exhibit fluency. Each paragraph is supposed to present a particular idea.

The language should be eloquent, but not too pompous.

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Possible Topics

The “My Hobby” topic belongs to the personal essay subtype. It means that the writer tells us about their own experience in some particular area. The following are common topics found in personal essays:

  • Your bravest moment;

  • How money matters in your life;

  • A failure you’ve experienced;

  • A difficult decision you had to make;

  • Your childhood memory.

Writing Practice

Still, what most people happen to write about at some point is their hobby. Every person has a hobby, though they don’t always realize it. Some people enjoy cooking, others take care of their plants, some might study rock music history and some make fantastic cakes. Maybe you enjoy reading or writing, or you could be an amateur composer. Everybody has some interest in something, some activity that they find fun. A job could also be a hobby as long as you enjoy what you do.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand what boosts your mood or wipes stress away. Once you identify what that activity is, describe it. When and how did it begin? In what circumstances? At what age did you start doing it? Can you make money from doing your hobby? How much time do you spend on your hobby? Has your hobby influenced your choice of friends? Is your hobby costly?

Answer these questions and you will be surprised at how much there is to write about. Write a simple plan, e.g. divide your essay into sections and decide which ideas go into which section. Think of your thesis statement, i.e. the main idea you have to develop in your writing. Thus, if your thesis statement starts with the words, “My hobby is,” you have to provide an overview of what it is and why you’ve chosen it among other types of hobbies. Try to connect your thoughts in a logical way since your main aim is to captivate your readers’ attention. You should also remember that if you have a few types of hobbies, it is much better to focus on one particular hobby.

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My Hobby Essay Example

One of the most helpful things to do would be to read an example of a good hobby essay. Therefore, below you can find a “My hobby” essay sample, which will help you understand the above concepts better.

The world we live in knows almost nothing about leisure and rest. People are torn between home duties, work, and social activities; each day seems to be exactly the same. However, there is one thing that makes our lives better, something that saves us from the boredom of everyday routine, and this is a hobby.

My favorite hobby is reading. Since my childhood, I have loved immersing myself in a book, travelling through the stories it could show me. Being a child, I started with reading tales, then I grew into novels. I preferred stories that had true-to-life characters and an elaborate plot. I also adored fantasy books with damsels in distress and dragons. Luscious descriptions and colorful illustrations struck my imagination. The images would reoccur in my night dreams where fantastic adventures would take me to haughty elves and quaint towers.

I had other interests, of course; however, all of them were in some way connected to my greatest passion. For example, I liked studying history, and that served as a hidden guide to my favorite books since many of them involved some realities of the past. Another example is archery, which made me closer to my childhood heroes. Writing stories, in turn, opened the door to adventurous worlds of my own.

Unfortunately, the older I become, the less time I have to read. Nevertheless, I still manage to find a couple of hours a day and travel through a new story by my favorite author. It helps me relax, after which I feel I can cope with any task. Therefore, reading is not just a hobby for me; it helps me handle day-to-day challenges, and for that I love it the most.

The above example contains all four essential elements of an essay: an introduction, a thesis statement, main body and a conclusion that summarizes your thoughts.

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Having a hobby is a wonderful way to relax, explore your passions, and enhance your skills. Whether it’s painting, gardening, etc., there are countless types of hobbies to suit every personality. Even if it’s something as creative as writing, one can turn it into a rewarding way of earning a living. By choosing a hobby you truly enjoy, you not only enrich your free time but also unlock opportunities for personal and professional growth. So, the next time you think about your favorite pastime, consider how it could inspire your own “My Hobby Essay” or even shape your future!


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