Why I Want to Be a Lawyer

Table of Contents
Among the most popular specialties, there are several professions that have been and will always be in demand in the business community under any conditions, for example, a lawyer. Specialists of this profile are required in almost every organization, firm, enterprise, commercial and public structure.
I chose the profession of lawyer. When someone asks me why I prefer it, it is definitely difficult to answer; maybe, because the demand for such specialists in the future is obvious. In addition, I want to feel armed with probably the strongest knowledge – knowledge of the law. After all, the ability to navigate in the legal reality is required not only within the framework of purely professional practice but is also a permanent need in modern reality.
Professional Perspectives for a Future Lawyer
Now the possibilities of a lawyer to find an interesting job in various fields of activity have quite substantially expanded. New types of work arise in the spheres of the protection of consumer rights, copyright, protection of the market from unfair competition, construction business, real estate activities, etc. In this case, it is not just about expanding the number of jobs, but about the fact that the list of positions and jobs, for which you need the knowledge of a lawyer, is becoming wider.
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100 pagesCurrently, there is an acute need for lawyers for the law enforcement system. The sharp increase in crime and a number of other social processes have led to the need to expand the investigative apparatus, the operational staff, as well as the number of judges and prosecutors.
The role of the professional legal activity in the conditions of market relations increases significantly. This is primarily due to the fact that civilian circulation is expanding dramatically, requiring adequate legal support: concluding, changing and terminating contracts, settling economic disputes, etc. In this regard, more lawyers, legal advisers, notaries, and judges are required. The role of lawyers is becoming increasingly important because the economic status of organizations and the well-being of citizens directly depend on the results of their activities.
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The professional legal activity is complex and versatile. Its psychological analysis always makes it possible to single out a number of stages through which the movement towards the ultimate goal, which is the establishment of truth, takes place. In one degree or another, in the professional legal activity, some aspects can be distinguished (search (cognitive), communicative, organizational, reconstructive (structural), social). In each of the above aspects, the corresponding personal qualities are realized, ensuring the success of work. The activity of a lawyer is a multi-level, hierarchical phenomenon. At each phase, the achievement of goals specific to this level is ensured by the appropriate personal structures, and their achievement provides the possibility of transition to achieving the goals of high levels of activity. Lawyers need to be able to distribute their strengths and abilities rationally in order to maintain labor productivity throughout the entire working day, and to possess professional psychological qualities to obtain optimal evidentiary data.