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Food That Successful People Eat

If you think that to be a successful person means being famous, rich, clever, organized, and determined, you are partially right. However, the most essential characteristic of a successful person is being strong and healthy. You can attend yoga classes, meditation, go to the gym three times a week, but all your efforts will be worthless if you do not follow a healthy diet. Remember a simple truth: you are what you eat. Therefore, try to consume only healthy and nutritious meals. If you got interested what food successful people eat, check it in this article.

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You can prepare a plain but healthy and nutritious breakfast from eggs. You may cook scrambled eggs with cheese and milk or you may prepare egg tortilla. Actually, you can combine eggs with any products you like – be it cheese, tomatoes, bacon, etc. Emma Watson (yeah, Hermione!) usually starts her day with egg tortilla, which is one of her favorite breakfasts.


If you have a sweet tooth, but want to restrict yourself from eating too many sweets or cupcakes, try to eat dark chocolate instead. It is much healthier and especially beneficial when you have strenuous work schedule. You may also add some peanut butter if it matches your taste.

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Greek Yogurt

Greek yoghurt is extremely good for digestive system. Besides, you can either eat it on its own or add some fruit, berries, and nuts. Yogurt speeds up the process of metabolism, so if you are following a diet, do not bother that you will gain extra kilos.


Soup is a must every day. It is a perfect option for lunch or dinner. Moreover, soup tastes great just for anyone as you can prepare it with the products you like. You can cook vegetable soup, chicken soup, fish soup, and many others.

Grilled Chicken Breast

I am not a vegetarian, but I cannot say that I am a meat lover either. So, chicken is the best option for me. One of my favorite meals is grilled or baked chicken breast. I can cook it with vegetables or prepare some tasty sauce to it. Sometimes I serve it with some salad (vegetable mix or spinach salad). Yummy!


Oatmeal is my favorite breakfast. It is easy to cook and, at the same time, it is really nutritious. You can make it either on water or on milk (depending on what you like). Besides, you can eat it with different fruit, berries, and nuts. I like oatmeal with apples and cinnamon the most. In summer however, the tastiest oatmeal for me is with strawberries and blueberries. Anyway, it is up to you what to add.
All in all, there are plenty of easy to cook dishes, which are tasty and nutritious at the same time. I have shared some of my favourites. One more piece of advice: always remember about healthy snacks at work or at university. Instead of buying some fast food, cook something at home and bring it with you.


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