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Classification Essay Writing Help

A classification essay is the kind of academic essay that gives an exhausting list of certain things organized by one key principle. The list presented in this kind of essay should be well-structured. It should be presented in a logical and pragmatic order. The key principle by which data is organized may be an activity, a place, a person, or a thing. A good classification essay should give the reader a complete list of the high-quality references and info on the topic that it highlights.

In order to write a classification essay, you should have an ability to categorize information into various categories or classes. For instance, if you have a mess on your desk and you want to turn it into order, you may categorize everything into three categories:

  • Those that you will work with today or in the nearest future
  • Those that should be archived
  • Those that should be thrown away

Similar to this, you should classify the data that you will use for writing a classification essay. Classification essays may be written on various topics. They may include: art, sports, music, books, movies, popular culture, travelling, etc.

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If one chooses to write a classification essay on the topic of sport, the structure of this essay may look like this:

  • Introduction – explain how exactly you will categorize sports
  • Classification of sports – include a thorough categorization of sports. For instance:
  • Indoor games: table games, court games, board games, table games
  • Outdoor games: football, cricket, tennis, athletics
  • Summary of sports – the conclusion where you should make up the summary on sports.

That’s a brief instance of how a classification essay can look like.

Whatever the subject, you can easily find a topic to classify it because almost everything can be classified or categorized. You think there are no categories for the topic that you have selected. Make up your own – you make the rules. Just understand the principle by which you will classify the information.

When you are ready to complete a classification essay or any other piece of writing, you have to take into account the following:

  • Think about something (for instance, a place, an event, an object, or a person) that you want to make a reference list for;
  • Make a reasonable list – don’t go to extremes of including 100 items, but don’t miss out important things. For example, if you’re working on the list of summer fruits, don’t forget to include a pineapple, but don’t include every existing fruit on the plant in the list;
  • See that all items in your lists correspond with the selected category ;
  • Chose an ascending or descending order of importance;

Use or follow the set style for the whole list (plain informative, academic, etc.).

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