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Descriptive Thesis

When you have to write a descriptive thesis, you should pay attention to the detailed description of events, processes, and people. This type of essay is contrasted to a prescriptive thesis, where you should show the things as they should be. In the descriptive essay, you have to demonstrate them as they are, in fact. Therefore, it’s a realistic writing, where you have to provide numerous arguments, apply your attention skills, collect all necessary facts, and expose them to the audience. Do you wonder how you can do it successfully? Read on and you will know!

Tips on Writing a Descriptive Thesis

Certain common requirements can be applied to a descriptive thesis. First of all, your thesis should be expressed as a statement and stated in a narrative manner. It’s not a question or a vague idea. It should be the point you are to prove in your paper. Your thesis statement has to be arguable and be supported with the help of empirical evidence. In order to be successful, your thesis should pertinently answer the question of your research.

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In your paper, you have to prove your descriptive hypothesis. It shouldn’t include the issues of ethics, morality, or values, like in a prescriptive essay. Instead, it has to provide a sketch, narrative or explanation for your topic. Your descriptive hypothesis has to appeal not to your emotions, but to the evidence, stating an interpreted and measured topic. Your hypothesis has to be strong enough, endure all possible doubts and tests, and be non-restricted to you as an author alone.

A descriptive thesis is defined by most professors as a type of academic writing concentrated on what “is”, rather than on what “should be.” It means that is has a definite purpose – to define a topic, not sharing your opinion concerning it. To better differentiate a descriptive essay from a prescriptive essay, you can compare them with a doctor’s diagnosis and prescription. While a descriptive thesis is like a diagnosis and information given to the patient about his/her illness, a prescriptive thesis is more like the prescription and recommendations given by the doctor.

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To make sure that you create a successful descriptive thesis, you should seek help from professionals. First of all, you should ask your professor about his or her requirements for the paper. Adhere to all given recommendations and make sure that you understand the difference between descriptive and prescriptive essays to write properly. You can also find a paper sample on the web to use it as a guide and facilitate your writing. Try avoiding plagiarism.

Follow all requirements for academic paper writing to succeed in creating a good descriptive essay and get a high grade!


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