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Political Impact on Industrial Wages

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Political  analysis  of  the  developing  nations  has  been greatly  challenged  by  political  behaviors. Political instability has been affecting the hourly earnings of industrial workers, which implies that individuals enhance their representation without reflecting policies on the poor. Because of the phenomenon, the poor have low levels of participation. The issue of participation and collective duties proved to be of enormous importance in urban poor nations even after a long period of political reforms in the developing countries. Many challenges have been facing the developing countries that related to the political models and appointment of public leaders through elections (Quinn &Toyoda, 2007). Political appointment leads to conflict of interest among the investors, hence, lowering the development progress. In addition, voting has contributed to economic challenges, whereby voters do not consider an individual contribution to the economy. Information delivery makes most of the poor electorate to consider all politicians to be the same. Therefore, challenges have lasted as a reason of poor political dimension (Snowberg, Wolfers & Zitzewitz, 2007).

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The research will assess the correlation between politics and average per capita income in the developing countries in respect to earnings and workers’ wages. The project will focus on the impacts of politics and how politicians create an idea that politics is an applied science. Economic policy is widely preferred, because it leads to a high influence of finances on politics. The paper will compare the average hourly earnings per capita in various developing countries, while considering the percentage of people living below the poverty line.

According to Romer and Romer (2010), the main causes of political challenges including poor maintenance and capital stability do not receive maximum attention. In the developing countries, the infrastructure policies are non-effective towards the control of existing stock. Most of the countries rely on international loans from the donors, who are more palatable to politicians due to fewer strings attached. The conclusion drawn is that the Third World countries undertake the projects that are highly attractive to political investors. Romer and Romer (2010) consider that economic growth comes from the ability of nations to innovate instead of factor accumulation as seen in the ancient ways. The authors suggested that economic contribution was only concentrated in globally connected cities. Therefore, the claim explains why gross domestic profit of the rural sectors decreases, hence, contributing to lower income in the Third World countries. Romer and Romer (2010) further argued that the reliable boosters of economy in the world are business and industrial activities, which are greatly affected by political situation in a country. Romer and Romer (2010) stated that political challenges have slowed the economic growth, for example, in transport industry and extraction of natural resources, where politicians out-compete the citizens.

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According to Gerber and Huber (2009), political sociology has contributed to poverty in the Third World countries, which is evident in the urban centers. Gerber and Huber (2009) stated that urban political life is the relative action of protest given the poor condition, in which many people live. The political fractionalization in poor communities restricts citizens from engaging in collective duties as a result of ethnicity catalyzed by the political differences in the Third World countries. The political members have imposed restrictive sanctions for the different ethnic groups. The ruling community creates the phenomenon of members of different community funding projects. However, later the funds are diverted to other parties due to lack of agreement on how public goods should be shared to avoid wage discrimination.

The Third World countries are highly indebted, and most workers earn less than a dollar per hour. Therefore, the politicians must consider making lasting decisions to avoid interference into the distribution of national resources to the population. At the same time, researchers argue that developing countries have undergone tough economic adjustments while servicing the foreign exchange. The experts have concluded that the unstable political situation in the Third World countries has motivated extreme outflows of private capital to the Western world. Scholars also assert that the private political owners have affected the developing countries and made them into creditors for the developed countries.

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Thornton (2007) stated that the economy in the Third World countries has been affected by inequality that was an outcome of the attempt to boost the political progress of the individual, thus reducing hourly earnings of industrial workers. Thornton (2007) further stated that the government of the developing countries distributed revenue through a model of a progressive tax system. Thornton (2007) confirms that the method of distribution is unintentionally discourages potential investors, thus affecting economic growth of the developing country.

Research Methodology

The research aims at analyzing the relationship between the average hourly earnings and political impacts in the Third World countries with respect to industrial wages. The methodology of the research consists of three sections, which include research instruments, participants and procedures, and final data analysis. The sampling procedure will be based on a systematic approach.

Sampling Procedure and Participants

Probability sampling procedures were employed in the study because such approach secured a degree of economic efficiency, while reaching out representative through a procedural sampling and within a short period. After the sampling, the skip interval approach will be employed. Such strategy enabled the researchers to select citizens of the developing countries. The procedure ensured equal probability and sufficient randomness of the citizens in the entire population. The participants, who attended the meeting, were 100 workers from different Third World countries on 1st May, 2014.


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