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The Power of Food: What Should You Eat for a Successful Interview?

After graduating from the culinary school, I was in quest of internships. I remember being disappointed by a competitive environment of the job market, being frustrated by a rejection and then spontaneously exhilarated by a new opportunity. I am sure that anyone who has ever experienced job haunting knows how it feels to be on the verge of emotional outburst, and if they are lucky to get an interview, everything has to be impeccable, even a daily diet.

While people prepare for the interview differently, polishing their resumes, hypnotically repeating some soothing mantras, or choosing their outfits days in advance, usually, they forget about the importance of the appropriate food before the interview process. Balanced nutrition is a passport to brilliant interview performance, giving you the energy and concentration necessary to persuade a potential employer to take a chance on you. Here are some tips on what you should eat to ensure success in the job search:

  • Eat protein to increase your energy levels. Your breakfast on the interview day should be based on one thing – protein. The lean proteins in fish and eggs not only provide the feeling of satiety, but also give you substantial energy supplies throughout a day. Check out the Swedish favorite Gravlax or a Kale Breakfast Bowl that has enough protein and a pleasant taste.
  • Focus on Omega-3 and Antioxidants to boost clarity. Lingonberries and blueberries are not only scrumptious, but also rich in antioxidants. Apart from vital fatty-acids found in salmon and nuts, these chemicals are tight to increased short-term brain functioning. Grab a bite of a Kale, Oat, a Blueberry Smoothie, or a Grilled Salmon Sandwich before the interview to tune your brain in.
  • Get nuts to get rid of stress. Studies show that magnesium, a chemical commonly found in nuts, significantly decreases the stress levels. Consuming dried apricots, corn, spinach, or other food rich in magnesium produces the same effect. Try recipes, such as Fava, Spinach Cakes, Quinoa, or Roasted Corn Salad to tackle pre-interview agitation.

Now, you know that apart from your standard rituals before the interview, you should also pay ample attention to your nutrition. Nourishing food has a powerful impact on your organism and overall well-being. Apart from making you energetic, concentrated, and less worried, it makes your brain work properly. Who knows, maybe, a successful interview will give you a push to take up a healthy lifestyle and eradicate all the junk food from your life.


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