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Top Prompts on How to Write a Reflection Essay

  • What do you know about a reflection essay?
  • What do you need to know to create a good reflection essay?
  • What are the components of a reflection essay?

A reflection essay is a type of writing where the author should describe their personal experience or findings on a certain subject, that is, something they have once seen or heard. This type of assignment helps teachers assess students’ abilities to express their opinion and examine their way of thinking. A student should use their mind, logic and senses to the fullest in order to create an effective reflection essay that engages a reader from the first lines. A reflection essay often resembles a philosophical piece of writing that rather explores opinions and ideas than provides a strong conclusion on something.

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A student has to pick a good and original topic for a reflection essay. It should be exciting to attract readers and differ from the subject explored by other students. The topic should be wide enough to provide the reader with many rhetoric questions. It should make the reader interested in the subject and raise questions in his/her mind. The reader thus will read the paper from the beginning to the end. A piece of writing that has no grammatical errors and is written in an appropriate style and language will get professor’s attention and the highest mark.

Before you start writing a reflective essay, collect relevant information and materials that you are going to use. Make a list of all reference materials. Use a proper format for your piece of writing, choose a specific style of writing, and follow your professor’s instructions.

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Key Points that You Need to Know when Writing a Reflection Essay

  • Make sure that you are well-acquainted with the subject and prepare necessary information that will help you make up your paper.
  • Write an outline to organize your ideas.
  • Prepare a preliminary version of your text.
  • At last, involve yourself deeply in the situation and choose your side of the argument. Use at least one counter-argument and refute it to make the essay more convincing.

Getting a good grade is the aim of many students. However, to receive the best grade, it is crucial to present your reflection in the right way. We make students believe that they can achieve the desired aim. We assist them in writing a powerful reflection essay containing clear thoughts and fresh ideas. With our help, your point of view will be understandable to the reader.


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