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Effective Methods of Learning English

Most professors presume that English can be easily learned when students have to write numerous custom essays and research papers. We have published this article to convince readers that learning English can be pleasant through essay writing if one uses appropriate writing techniques.

It is a very popular method of learning English through writing, which most ESL students follow. In such a way, they improve their creative skills and are aware of all the modern writing rules.

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Essay Writing as a Method of Teaching

Undoubtedly, one may find numerous methods of teaching English online, but essay writing is one of the most popular ones. All methods are divided into different categories, depending on the fact whether students are native speakers or not. However, scientists have proved that both conscious and subconscious approaches towards teaching English are effective regardless of the category of students.

Essay writing as a method of studying English is considered to be a conscious technique since a student is well aware of the requirements and the process of learning itself. If an ESL student pays much attention to writing and reading skills irrespective of the mother language, he/she will definitely learn English much faster than other classmates. In such a case, the conscious technique of learning English has more advantages than drawbacks do. Moreover, those teachers who follow only unconscious learning strategies often do not gain the same results when referring to the conscious methods.

The best method of learning English presumes the development of four language skills, such as writing, listening, reading, and speaking. Nevertheless, all teachers realize that it is very hard to cope with both writing and speaking exercises during one short class. Thus, every skill should be developed separately during different classes in order to reach maximum results.

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Essay Writing Skills in English

Everyone should realize that all skills are necessary to develop. Improvement of writing skills is important for those students who are involved in the work with written language or wants to become writers. Moreover, writing skills should be appropriately developed if a student wants to apply for an exchange program or college/university degree, where he/she will be obliged to create an admission essay or any other writing task. Many people have an intention to work abroad, which makes them write motivational letters. Therefore, the importance of writing skills should be taken into consideration since they influence the future achievements of a person.

Combination of Different Methods

Some teachers combine methods of teaching English, i.e. writing and reading. The reading method of learning English was introduced by M. West, who was the first to use it in the USA. The method presumes the importance of reading comprehension in one’s development of skills. West claimed that reading and listening are the crucial skills necessary for every student. Other skills that are the basis for production of information can be considered as secondary ones. Moreover, he stated that reading is much easier than listening.

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The method introduced by West presumes reading large amounts of texts, either original or adapted in accordance with the student’s level. Then a student may be required to retell what he/she has read. If students use the textbooks, then they have to do all exercises after each text. If students give right answers to all questions, it means that they have comprehended the text appropriately and can proceed with further reading.

In order to develop listening and speaking skills, a student can combine earning techniques. The best method will be finding a person from another country who will help you to develop your skills. Most students use popular social networks, which are helpful to improve the writing and listening skills. In such a way, one student takes the role of a teacher. It may be very helpful since you will have no fear to get a low grade. Such an online method is very popular and cheap. Students not only develop their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills, but also get acquainted with the cultural differences in other countries.


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