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Excellent Advice on Cause and Effect Essay Wriitng

Cause and Effect Essay and Its Main Rules

Whenever a student has to write a cause and effect essay, he/she will have to present his/her understanding of the issue in a causal relationship. A cause and effect essay highlights the importance of cause for the achievement of effect, whereas the writer has to state the reason of his/her interdependence. The purpose of writing a cause and effect essay is to allow a reader to carefully investigate the reasons of a phenomenon or event, whereas the writer has to introduce ample evidence to prove his/her point.

Students usually experience difficulties during the first writing steps – which topic to choose and what information to incorporate. Moreover, some students can hardly define the causal relationships between the events and cannot present either their reasons or effects. When writing a cause an effect essay, it is very important to present enough evidence and all facts in a logical connection, whereas the last paragraph should summarize the key facts. In the article presented below, our online custom essay writers present some hints on how to write an extraordinary cause and effect essay.

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How to Begin Writing an Essay?

At first, students should brainstorm the ideas to define the best topic to be discussed with the help of cause and effect techniques. You may write down numerous essay topics, but try to narrow the list. Decide whether you want to explore one topic in your essay or numerous issues. Define all causes and effects of the issue you want to discuss and make sure that all of them are related to the topic. Always check if the interconnection between causes and effects are clear and logical.

If you have already chosen a topic for your custom essay, do some research in order to find some relevant details about it. Try to use only scholarly sources when conducting research, such as books, journals, credible websites, etc. However, remember that only electronic sources should be utilized along with the printed ones.

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When you have already gathered appropriate materials for your essay, you should define its future structure. You have to create a plan with the possible organization of your essay. However, a plan should be structured as the essay. While writing a plan, you can use the following techniques:

Chronological order:

  • Present one event after another in a chronological order.

Order of importance:

  • Details are arranged according to their importance – from the least important cause to the crucial one.

Categorical order:

  • Facts are presented according to specific categories provided by the writer.

  • Predict the possible structure of the essay and decide whether you want to highlight more effects or causes.

  • Define the chain reaction (if applicable). It can be written in various ways:

  • One cause of phenomenon causes numerous effects.

  • Many causes provoke only one effect.

  • Chain reaction of effects.

  • Some events lead to other events and their consequences.

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While writing a cause an effect essay, you have to write the plan, which should include the key details and the less important facts. Usually, such a plan is called an outline, which presumes such sections:

  1. A cognitive topic.
  2. Introductory paragraph.
  3. Thesis statement and its supporting claims.
  4. Three or more body paragraphs.
  5. Additional supporting information (facts, statistics, etc).
  6. A conclusion or a summary
  7. Only if you have written a detailed outline for your essay, you can begin writing the essay itself.

What to Pay Attention to?

  • Create an introductory paragraph by introducing the topic and your key standpoint. Provide a thesis statement as the last sentence of introduction.

  • Write the main body by presenting causes and effects of the chosen topic. Do not forget to present them in a logical way with enough evidence.

  • Write a conclusion or a summary of the whole paper restating the thesis and providing your personal understanding of the matter.

  • If you think that the essay is finished, you have to proceed with proofreading/editing of your paper. In such a way, you will have to re-read your essay and focus on its strength and weaknesses. Do not edit your essay right after you finish writing it. Have a rest to have a clear mind and ability to edit the paper objectively.

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Clues for Effective Editing

  • Double check the grammar and spelling mistakes on your computer. Undoubtedly, the machine cannot show all mistakes, but still it highlights some parts that you have not pay attention to.

  • Some students think that manual editing on the printed essay is a better option to trace mistakes. Sometimes it helps trace the missing parts and small mistakes.

  • Read your thesis statement and judge whether it relates to the chosen topic and information presented in the essay.

  • Read every paragraph and check whether there is no irrelevant information. Think whether the presented evidence effectively present the causal connection. Add transitions between paragraphs for a smooth flow of ideas. Use only valid evidence that proves the trustworthiness of your claims.

  • Check whether the conclusion summarizes the paper and thesis statement.

  • Ask your friend to read your essay. It will be helpful to see whether information is easily readable and understandable for everyone.

Moreover, do not forget to utilize strong verbs. Try to use only a verb instead of a combination of a verb and a noun. Check the following sentences:

  • Weak verb: They made contribution to the development of numerous health programs.

  • Strong verb: They contributed to the development of numerous health programs.

It would take some time to write in a perfect manner. If you think that essay writing is too demanding for you, ask our online writers to provide their support. Buy an essay from us and do not worry about your academic results!


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